
Benfotiamine 25 mg, mecobalamin 500mcg,pyridoxine 3 mg, Biotin 30 mcg, folic acid 1mg, selenium 60 mcg, zinc 15 mg, copper 2.5 mg, manganese 1.4 mg, chromium 65 mcg, calcium 162 mg, magnesium 15 mg, potassium 150 mcg, Betacarotene 10 mg, Lycopene 1000 mcg, iron 33.3 mg, Taurine 7.2 mg, choline 30 mcg, Molybdenum 30 mcg, Niacinamide- 50 mg, Vitamin D3 200 I.U
Pack – 30 Tablets/Strip
Mode of action

  • Cardiovascular protection-protects artery function, maintains heart function, reducehomocysteine function
  • Diabetes care – regulates blood glucose level, restore insulin sensitivity
  • Nerve care – improve mental alertness, cognitive function, enhance memory, prevents stroke
  • General well being-Boost energy, prevents obesity, regulates vital organ function, anxiety and stress, build immunity
  • Post operative care-fasten cell growth and function, wound healing and repair
  • Orthocare – maintains strong bones, enhance calcium obsorption
  • Skin care – Anti aging benefit
  • Eye care – prevents macular degeneration and cataract
  • Anticancer benefit-protects from prostrate, lung cancer.

Coronary Artery Disease, Diabetes, Postsurgery, Neurological illness, Eye illness Elderly & Debilitating patients, Fatigue & Convalesence, Postmenopause
Dosage – 1 Tablet a day
Contraindication – Renal, Heptatic impairement